New Drama - headshots being accepted
DJM Productions is accepting headshots for its spring production of a new
drama. Producer and Director: Dave McCracken. Non-union performers. Seeking:
Two men: mid 30s, strong military types.
One man: 18-29, built,
soldier for May - early July run in Midtown. No nudity but men are shirtless.
Evening and weekend rehearsals begin early April. Showcase stipends involved.
Ethnic actors strongly encouraged to apply. Send picture and resumes to: Dionysus
Theater's L'il Peach, 270 West 36th St., 2nd Fl., NYC, 10018.
Free to Be... You and Me - Open by Appt.
Sun. April 13 & Tues. 15, 6PM - 8PM. At DeBaun Auditorium, Edwin A. Stevens
Hall, 5th & Hudson Sts., Hoboken, NJ. For directions, visit
The Center for the Performing Arts at DeBaun Auditorium is seeking a diverse
group of children for its Young Performers Festival production of Free to
Be... You and Me. Description: Marlo Thomas conceived a children's book
that, instead of telling boys and girls who they should be, would open them
to the possibilities of who they could be. She gathered many of her supremely
talented friends from various worlds of the arts and the remarkable result is
highly regarded as a modern classic of children's literature. Performed by The
Center's annual Young Performers Festival, life-enhancing themes are imaginatively
blended with music and humor to expand children's personal horizons - enabling
them to invent their own futures without limitation, while dispelling some old
constraints and worn-out conventions in the process. Read all of the details
below and review the rehearsal schedule before scheduling an audition appointment.
What to Expect: At auditions, each "young performer" will be called into DeBaun
Auditorium one by one to audition with the casting committee. Parents and chaperones
will be asked to wait in the lobby while the "young performer" auditions. The
"young performer" will be asked to sing their song, and then recite their poem/story.
They may be asked questions about their past performances, what they study in
school, etc. Casting will be made within 1 week of auditions, and everyone who
auditions will be contacted by phone or email, whether cast or not. "Young Performers"
and their parents must agree to the schedule and be able to attend all of the
scheduled rehearsals before being cast in the show. Upon being cast, each "young
performer" will be expected to provide jeans and a solid colored T-shirt (color
to be determined after casting) as their costume for the performance. Must
be between 7-12 years old. No experience necessary. Non-Equity, no pay.
Prepare: A short poem or story (must be memorized), one verse of a
song of your choice. Bring sheet music for song of your choice or accompaniment
CD (if appropriate) and a copy of recent headshot or picture and theatrical
résumé, if applicable. For an audition appointment, call (201) 216-8937 or e-mail Auditions are held in half hour slots, so when you request
an audition appointment, be prepared with the date and time you prefer. Walk-ins
will be seen based on availability. Rehearsal/Performance Schedule: Sat. April
19, 11 AM - 2 PM, read through/blocking; Tues. April 22 6 - 8:30 PM, Music/Blocking;
Sat. April 26, 11 AM - 2 PM, blocking/dance; Sun. April 27, 2 - 5 PM, blocking/dance;
Tues. April 29, 6 - 8:30 PM, music/dance; Thurs. May 1, 6 - 8:30 PM, music/run
through; Sat. May 3, 1 - 5 PM, run throughs; Thurs. May 8, 6 - 9 PM , full run
throughs/tech rehearsal; Fri. May 9, 6 - 9 PM, full run throughs/dress rehearsal;
Sat. May 10, 1:30 PM - call, performance - 3 PM; Sat. May 10, 6 PM - call, performance
- 7 PM.
Counting Cracks in the Sidewalk
Tip My Cup Productions is casting Counting Cracks in the Sidewalk, a
series of one-acts written by Jason Williamson. Director: Michael Petranek.
Casting: Amy Wowak casting. Rehearsals begin April 8. Performs: May 20-25 at
the Roy Arias Off-Off Broadway Theatre. Note: Principles in each one-act will
also be cast as ensemble in the others. All types and ethnicities are encouraged
to audition. Submit to Ashleigh Lay at: Non-Equity. No Pay.
Seeking: Audrey in Dresses - Audrey: 20-30. A little unhinged but vulnerable.
Gene: 20-30. Dry wit with a sensitive streak. Someone Else's Ghost
- Luke: 20-30. Rural man with a past; Southern accent. Odile: 40-60.
Has lost her way but not her spunk; southern accent. Preacher: 40-60.
Distinguished, lusts after Odile; southern accent. BoyGirlBoyGirl - Boy:
20s, slightly awkward, whimsical. Girl: 20s, assured, underlying
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
Fri. Mar. 21, 11 AM. At Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Ave. (at 36th St),
16th Floor. NYC
Cortland Repertory Theatre, Courtland, NY, is casting for the upcoming production
of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Pay, travel and housing provided.
Rehearsals July 1. Runs from July 16 - Aug 2. Seeking: Male/Female Dancers
ages 18-29 who sing. Attractive, well-built, versatile. Typing may take
place before a brief dance routine is taught.
Non-Equity General Auditions
The Pearl Theatre Company is holding Non-Equity general auditions on March
21 for supporting and understudy roles in its upcoming 25th season. Prepare
two contrasting classical monologues, one of which should be Shakespeare.
Both monologues should be under two minutes in length. If you consider yourself
a singer, we would also like to hear 16 bars of a song, sung a cappella.
To schedule an audition appointment, call (212) 505-3401 and ask for extension
30. Times will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. Stipend available.
Moon Over Buffalo - OPEN auditions
Sat. April 5, 2 - 4 PM and Sun. April 6, 6 - 8 PM. At Quogue Community
Hall, Jessup Avenue, Quogue, NY (Long Island).
Hampton Theatre Company in Quogue, NY, is holding open auditions for Moon
over Buffalo is a hilarious backstage farce about an aging leading couple
on tour in the provinces. The play contains roles for 4 women and 4 men. Hampton
Theatre Company, Quogue, NY. Equity Special Appearance, approval pending. Executive
Director: Sarah Hunnewell. Artistic Director: Diana Marbury. Writer: Ken Ludwig.
Director: Jason Marr. First rehearsal: April 22. Runs: May 29 - June 15, Thurs.,
Fri. and Sat. evenings, Sun. afternoons at the Quogue Community Hall. Seeking:
George Hay: 50s. A once famous leading man. Charlotte Hay: 50s.
George's wife and once famous leading lady. Ethel: 70s. Charlotte's cranky
and deaf actress mother. Rosalind: 20s - 30s. George and Charlotte's
bright and attractive daughter. Howard: Late 20s - 30s. Rosalind's nice
looking, non-theatrical fiancé. Eileen: 20s. A beautiful young ingenue.
Paul: 30s. George and Charlotte's assistant, Rosalind's ex-suitor, a
likable young man. Richard: 50s. A wealthy attorney "to the stars" and
admirer of Charlotte's. No appointment necessary. All auditioning will be
reading from the script. Sides are available on request. Bring picture and
resume, stapled together. If you are unable to attend these audition times,
but would like to read, e-mail or
Or call 631-726-4656, and an alternate time will be arranged if possible.

Over Buffalo
Acting Edition: $7.50
Seussical - Open auditions
Wed. Mar. 26, 10 AM - 4:30 PM; sign-up begins at 9 AM. At Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th St., 5th floor. NYC.
Theatreworks/USA is holding OPEN auditions for Seussical. Equity TYA Tier 2 contract; $460/weekly/ $54 per diem.Be prepared to sing 16 bars of contemporary musical theatre song or something from Seussical. Bring music in the correct key. Piano accompaniment will be provided. Sides will also be provided at the audition. Equity audition procedures are NOT in effect. No Equity monitor provided. Producer runs all aspects of the audition. All actors will be signed on as Assistant Stage Managers. ALL CHARACTERS MUST BE STRONG SINGERS & DANCERS. This is a shortened TYA version of the Broadway musical Seussical. All MUST be versatile singer/actor/dancers with comedic flair. Also must be able to carry tight harmonies. All characters begin as Schoolyard Kids. They are archetypical middle-schoolers. They become animals through imagination rather than prosthetics. All characters are 19-25, but read younger. Seeking: Cat In The Hat: Male or Female. Extremely hip. Impish, mischievous, a tongue-in-cheek quality, a sense of irony, anarchy and mockery. The Cat is a force of good, of humor, of wit, adventure and magic and anarchy! Must be great with creating a variety of characters and accents. Extremely good physical comic. Horton The Elephant: Stocky Male. Bari-tenor. Simple, sincere, somewhat out of place in a hip, cynical world. He’s sincere, earnest, heroic and true to himself. Gertrude: Female. Soprano with mix/belt. She is insecure. She feels she isn’t good enough, pretty enough, talented enough. She is shy. She is awkward. She’s in love with Horton. Requires great physical-comic skills. Mayzie: Sexy, Female. Soprano with mix/belt. Mayzie is selfish and self-centered, and charming. A Teen-Pop Princess. Bosses the Bird Girls around. Knows how to use her femininity to get what she wants. Sour Kangaroo: African-American. Soprano with mix/belt. Very Bossy. A Know-It-All. Sassy and Lively. She travels everywhere with her stuffed kangaroo. Wickersham Brothers: Asian, Latino, African-American, Caucasian, etc. Bari-tenor. They are middle school tough guys who get pleasure out of teasing and tricks, but who would never do anything truly bad. They are gleefully mischievous. Bird Girls: Asian, Latino, African-American, Caucasian, etc. Soprano with mix/belt. Sassy Gal pals who love looking pretty, strutting their stuff, hanging out with that cool Mayzie. Mr. And Mrs. Mayor: Doubling from Wickersham & Bird Girl. Real, decent “Americans” who have read just a little too much Dr. Spock. They need a facility for creating a strong character while retaining their humanity. Must have versatile character abilities. Jojo: A small young man who can play a child. Tenor. An urban kid with an unbridled imagination that enables him to solve problems, find his way, and ultimately save the world. Honest. A little bit mischievous. A dreamer.

Vocal Selections: $19.95
Bordertown - AEA and non-AEA
Directions Theatre Company is holding AEA/non-AEA auditions (AEA Showcase Code approval pending) for a production of a new play, Bordertown, by Steve Ives.Rehearsals begin late March/early April. Show dates are April 23 - May 11 at the 14th St. Theater. Small Stipend. Auditions are by appointment only; sides will be provided. Submit headshots and resumes by email to State in your subject title what role(s) you wish to be considered for. Seeking: Wyatt: 18-year-old busboy at the Last Exit Café, Wyatt somehow balances extreme intelligence with equivalent naivete. He is sensitive, polite and remains hopeful about the world despite the series of unfortunate occurrences which have plagued his life. Sedona: 21-year-old waitress at the Last Exit Café, Sedona is a bona fide spitfire. A beautiful and outspoken hell-raiser, she is crass, clever and colorful. Her omnipresent attitude has somehow gotten her through a life which she always questions, while being too impatient to wait for the answers. George: The crotchety and bitter owner of the Last Exit Café, George is a tough-looking and acting man in his early 40’s. After a life filled with disappointments and let-downs, George has become a bear of a man, rarely smiling or allowing himself to show kindness to the people whom, deep down, he actually cares about. Hank Jones: 50s-60s. An elderly stranger who nobody recognizes, Hank seems to have stumbled upon the Last Exit Café when in fact he is there for a specific reason even he is uncertain of the implications of. Hank is polite and old-fashioned, a throwback to simpler times gone by despite the complex reasons surrounding his presence at the café. Little Mick MacCauley: Late 20s-mid 30s. An underworld criminal thug, Mick makes a living as hired muscle despite his lack of stature. Full of fire, fury and attitude, he is a dangerous man and has no problem letting people know it. Abject nihilism has led him to a life of self-serving amorality, often at the expense of addressing his true self. Not surprisingly, his reasons for being at the Last Exit Café are less than well-meaning. Miles: A wiry man in his early 30’s, Miles and his best friend Otto are on their way to Mexico when a storm forces them off the road and into the Last Exit Café. He is an intense man with a ricocheting stare as if he is being perpetually chased by something. Miles is extremely intelligent and eloquent, likeable despite the fact he seems like a man who could snap at any moment. Otto: A tremendous African American man seemingly in his 30s, Otto is surrounded by mystery, perpetuated by the fact that he absolutely never speaks. He has a very expressive face however, and seems to watch and deeply ponder everything and everyone around him. He arrives at the café with his best friend Miles, whom he shares a past with and is extremely loyal to. Meter Guy: Supposedly arriving to check the meter, Meter Guy is in his 20s or 30s and seems way too intelligent for such a menial job. Conversely, his goofy frenetic energy would be equally at home in a mental institution. Officer Becky Sexton: Late 20s-Early 30s. The local beat cop, Becky comes to the Last Exit Café every evening for the reputedly amazing coffee. She is fond of the café and the small town she has lived and worked in for her entire life, and takes her job of protecting them quite seriously. Her dedication to her job and town have come at the expense of other inner urges, which sometime rear their heads at inopportune moments despite her better judgment. Woman In White: Late teens-mid 20s. Perhaps real and perhaps a figment of Wyatt’s imagination, she reputedly arrives at the Last Exit Café every night at the same time. All that is known of her is that her beauty is only matched by the profound sadness she seems to radiate.
Swing!, Union & Non-Union
Surflight Theatre, located 2 hours south of NYC on the Jersey Shore, is seeking submissions for its upcoming production of Swing. Director/Choreographer: Paula Sloan, Casting: Gail Anderson. Rehearsals begin 3/27, Opens 4/11, closes 4/27. Seeking male and female dancers with swing dance training and/or who have done the show before. Send resumes to or Gail Anderson, Casting Swing, Box 1155, Beach Haven, NJ 08008. Union and non-union performers. Pay.
Mountain Playhouse – OPEN Auditions by Appt.
Sat. Mar. 15, and Sun. Mar. 16, 12 - 5 PM, both days. At Green Gables Restaurant, 7712 Somerset Pike. Jennerstown, PA. Driving directions:
Mountain Playhouse in Jennerstown, PA, is holding open auditions by appointment for its 2008 season. CORST Z, $672/week minimum. Producer: Teresa Stoughton Marafino. Stage Director: Chan Harris. Choreographer: Jacob Toth. OPEN auditions by APPOINTMENT: For an appointment, call (814) 629-9201 x118. Accompanist provided both days. Prepare a brief comic monologue and 16 bars of a standard Broadway song. Bring a picture and resume, stapled together. Resumes should include current mailing address, phone number and e-mail address (if performer has e-mail). Theatre’s statement: “As a stock theater, we try to hire a company of players that will appear in as many consecutive productions as possible—with three productions usually being the minimum. However we will hire jobbers for a particular show should the demands of the production require it.” All dates are in 2008.
Stand by Your Man: The Tammy Wynette Story by Mark St. Germain. Director: Guy Stroman. First rehearsal: May 20. Runs June 3 - 15. Musical. Tammy Wynette, the woman behind the legend; the first lady of country music. Comic/dramatic story of her triumphs, tragedies and relationships with the five husbands she stood by (including George Jones), her beloved daughters, her strong-willed mother and two of her friends. Includes 26 songs. Seeking: Seeking male actors who play bass, piano and guitar and seeking female actor who plays guitar for: Tammy Wynette, George Jones, Meemaw, George Richey, Young Tammy, Euple Byrd, Don Chapel, Billy Sherrill, Burt Reynolds, Michael Tomlin.
Unnecessary Farce by Paul Slade Smith. Director: Daniel Gidron. First rehearsal: June 4. Runs June 17 – 29. Two crooks, three cops and eight doors! Setting: Two adjoining rooms in an economy motel, early AM. Two inexperienced police officers have been sent to videotape a meeting between the local mayor and the town’s accountant, with the aim of uncovering an embezzlement scheme. But the day is not starting off well. Can the cops manage to capture the crooks without resorting to… unnecessary farce? Seeking: Eric Sheridan: male, 30s. Police officer. Bookish, even-keeled guy who finds himself completely out of his element when called upon to express his feelings for a woman, lie to his boss, disguise himself as someone else, and stand up to an armed mobster – while not wearing any pants. Billie Dwyer: female, 20s/30s. Police officer; Eric’s partner. Excitable and entirely unthreatening, she seemingly lacks every skill necessary for police work, but is as eager to succeed as she seems destined to fail. Karen Brown: female, 30s. Accountant; has always taken pride in her accountant-like, professional demeanor – until this morning, when she finds herself filled with a sexual hunger, and unable to keep things in control. Mayor Meekly: male, 50s - 70s. An Innocent, with a capital “I”. Affable, gentle fellow. Not too quick on the pick-up, but a sweet, sweet soul. Agent Frank: male, 20s - 50s. Head of security at Town Hall, and, frankly, the wrong man for the job. Though he presents a gruff exterior – borrowed from some film noir detective, perhaps – he is frequently – and, at moments of crisis, invariably – a man frightened by his own shadow. Todd: male, 20s - 50s. Speaks with a pronounced Scottish accent. A professional hit man. Cool, quiet and perceptive when at his best, but more frequently an angry Scotsman – and the angrier he becomes, the thicker his accent gets, until he is entirely indecipherable. Mary Meekly: female, 50s - 70s. The mayor’s wife. Small in stature and unfailingly sweet, she seems, in every way, the perfect match for her husband.
Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Music: Alan Menken. Lyrics: Howard Ashman and Tim Rice. Book: Linda Woolverton. Director: Chan Harris. Choreographer: Jacob Toth. Musical Director: TBA. First rehearsal: June 16. Runs July 1 – 20. Lavish musical based on a classic French fairytale that includes all the songs (plus more) from the animated feature film. Beast, Belle, Lefou, Gaston, Maurice, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Babette, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Ensemble.
Stonewall's Bust by John Morogiello. Director: Daniel Gidron.
First rehearsal: July 8. Runs July 22 - August 3. World premiere. Farce about
Paul, a professional skeptic from NYC, who accidentally breaks a priceless
statue of Stonewall Jackson at a Confederate heritage museum owned by his
girlfriend's mother. Embarrassed and fearful, Paul claims the statue “just
fell off” the pedestal, setting in motion a series of ever larger lies and
misunderstandings that eventually lead to an exorcism on live TV, and a hard
choice between his personal safety and the woman he loves. Seeking: Paul Streyker:
28. Liberal Northern city boy, living with Nancy. Ben Stiller type. Content
with the status quo. Nancy Weller: 27. Smalltown Southern debutante who has
spent most of her years since high school living in a Northern city and loves
it. Wishes Paul would propose. Liddy Weller: 58. Nancy’s mother. Old Southern
money fallen on hard times. Genteel, likable. Bathsheba Polk: 55. Housekeeper/curator
for Liddy. Secretly jealous of Liddy’s place in society. Writes a religious
column for the local paper. Kim Polk: 27. Bathsheba’s daughter, assistant
editor of the town paper. Ex-cheerleader who is somewhat embarrassed by her
poor past and pleased with her current success—particularly snagging Slab.
Slab: 29. The town sheriff, engaged to Kim. Nancy’s former high school love.
Big, handsome, laconic. Doesn’t trust yankees or liberals, and is unable to
distinguish between the two. Earl Templeton: 60. Wealthy televangelist with
his own TV show and theme park. Cameraman.
Be My Baby by Ken Ludwig. Director: Tom Schaller. First rehearsal: July 23. Runs August 5 – 17. New comedy. An irascible Scotsman and an uptight English woman, both in their late 50s, are brought together when his ward marries her niece. When the young couple decides to adopt a newborn baby, the older couple has to travel 6,000 miles to California to pick up the child and bring her safely home to Scotland. The problem is, they despise each other. To make matters worse, they get stranded in San Francisco for several weeks and are expected to jointly care for the helpless newborn. There they form a new partnership and learn some startling lessons about life and love. Seeking: John Campbell: Mid 50s. Very matter-of-fact and unsmiling. Very Scots. Maud Kinch: English woman, 50s. Rather behind the times. Christy: Man, about 25. Good-looking and likable. Scots. Gloria: 19, American. Rich, vivacious and very sure of herself. One Man and One Woman: Play all other parts.
Glorious! by Peter Quilter. Director: Guy Stroman. First rehearsal: August 6. Runs August 19 - 31. Comedy. Real-life story of a famous soprano, known more for the laugh factor than her musical talents. Florence Foster Jenkins had a passion for singing, but a voice which left audiences crying with laughter. From her bizarre recording sessions and unbelievable recitals to an ultimate triumph at New York's Carnegie Hall - this is a true, heart-warming story about a group of eccentric friends who lived their dreams. Seeking: Florence Foster Jenkins: 60s/70s. Eccentric American lady. Bad singer. Character sings (badly) in the show. Cosme McMoon: Early 30s, male. Pianist (plays in the show, and sings a little). Quiet at first. Agreeable and complimentary. Dorothy / Maria / Mrs. Verrinder-Gedge: Multiple role for one actress. Dorothy: Florence’s friend, of a similar age. Maria: Florence’s Mexican cook and housemaid. Mrs. Verrinder-Gedge: American lady of late middle age.
The Road to Washington: The Making of A Man, The Making of A President
by Rob Barron. Director: Chan Harris. First rehearsal: September 2.
Runs September 17 – 28. World premiere play for the “Pittsburgh 250” celebration.
Depicts the battles of war as well as the personal battles that Washington
encountered throughout his life. Act I begins on July 3, 1754 on a battlefield
at Fort Necessity, PA and continues with a series of flashbacks. Act II follows
Washington through military ventures including the “Massacre of the Monongahela.”
Play ends with a series of vignettes documenting Washington’s leadership roles
which led to victory in the American Revolution. Seeking: George Washington:
male, early 20s. Tall, distinguished, outwardly confident. A leader. Actor
must be at least six feet tall. The play is still being written. The Theatre
states that “The remaining roles will be “ensemble” parts in which actors
will be playing multiple roles.”