The Drama Book Shop Stage Casting is Sponsored by

Night of the Musical Dead
Monday, April 13th and Tuesday, April 14th, 7PM, at the Hole in the Wall Theater, 116 Main Street, New Britain, CT.
Hole in the Wall Theater, New Britain, CT, announces open auditions for the July/August world premiere production of a new musical by Bill Arnold - Night of the Musical Dead. Seeking a multi-racial cast of male and female actors, singers and dancers--ages 18 and up. There are singing and non-singing roles available. Please prepare a song of your choice and be prepared to move. An accompanist will be provided. Audition dates: Monday, April 13, 2009 at 7:00pm and Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 7:00pm--please be prompt. For more information visit
DUANE WHITE, 25-40 male – our protagonist. Duane is a teacher at New Britain High. He’s a bit of a traveler and is used to not having roots or responsibilities. He has been thrust into a situation where he’s forced to take care of Bunni (who’s gone catatonic) and as a result, he’s also sort of taken control of the survivors trapped inside the house.
BUNNI, 25-45 female – sister of Jimmy. A little naïve and a lot scared. Bunni (Barbara, actually) is the sort of person who has never allowed reality to spoil what she perceives as the world around her. She’s not stupid, but she lives simply and the enormity of the attack of the undead is just too much for her. Her random ramblings can be some of the funniest stuff in the show – The actress playing the role has to have dead-on (to coin a phrase) comic timing and delivery.
JIMMY, 25-45 male – brother of Bunni. Cocky and irreverent. Jimmy is a classic case of sibling rivalry. He’s immature in the way that all younger brothers are immature in the eyes of their sisters. Jimmy doesn’t call his sister “Bunni” because it’s really her name – he does it to get on her nerves.
CEMETARY ZOMBIE, ageless male – dead guy. The shamble is VERY important.
TIM DUTKIEWICZ, 18-30 male – young man in love with Kitten. Tim is not stupid. He’s an adolescent in a young man’s body. He desperately WANTS to experience life (and physical love), but he lacks the emotional vocabulary to express himself well.
KITTEN SMIGELSKI, 18-30 female – young woman in love with Tim. Kitten is not stupid either. She’s probably been a little sheltered and she’s nowhere near as worldly wise as someone like Duane, but that doesn’t mean that she’s an idiot. Any attempt to play her as an idiot will be met with stony silence on the part of the casting committee.
REPORTER, any age/either gender – Don Traut, ace reporter for local TV station. Don’s a pro and he knows it. He’s cocky, like any good reporter has to be. The events that he is reporting slowly chip away at his cool veneer.
ELLEN ROWLAND, 35-50 female – wife of Harvey, mother of Carrie. Ellen is a desperate housewife if ever there were one. She got pregnant on her first date with the man she married and that was the very last thing they had in common. We also learn in the course of the play that she is living vicariously through her daughter, the beauty queen…Keeping her young so that she doesn’t age.
*WALTER WEBB, 35-60 male – Sheriff of Wicksford. Walt is a good old boy and faced with a real emergency, displays a marked lack of humanity. The straighter the lines are delivered for this character, the funnier he will be.
HARVEY ROWLAND, 35-50 male – husband of Ellen, father of Carrie. It would be too easy to make Harvey a one note character. He is a reluctant husband and father when he’d probably be much happier as an old bachelor trying to chase women. Instead, he’s lumbered with a wife and kid and constantly takes out his frustration on them both.
*PAUL , any age male – local moron. It’s okay – this guy can be stupid. Sherriff Webb gave him a gun and that instantly became the best of day of this loser’s life.
DR. SMIRCH, 40+, either gender – local medical official. Or is he? Smirch has got something to hide. He knows more about the crisis than he lets on. OR, he’s a musical theatre manifestation of Michael Brown from FEMA.
*MARY MUGGINS, 30-40 female – Television anchor and not too bright (if that’s not redundant).
*SCOTT SIMPLE, 30-40 male – see above.
*HOMER MOSSBACK, 40+ either gender– Mayor of Wicksford. Think of your typical small town mayor. Now think of that mayor faced with a crisis that could seriously mess up his reelection campaign. Now, you’ve got Mossback.
REV. JERIMIAH WRONGFELLOW, any age/either gender – A spiritual leader in Wicksford. The Reverend has a knack for saying the wrong thing to the wrong people, so in a way, having a zombie apocalypse means never having to say you’re sorry.
*RADIO ANNOUNCER – poor sap on the local radio station, WXPO (pre-recorded).
CARRIE ROWLAND 30+ female – daughter of Harvey and Ellen. Carrie is a child beauty queen who has not been given the chance to grow up. Her mother has kept her like a replica doll for all these years. Carrie is bitten before the show begins and makes her entrance at the end of the play for the first time as a beauty queen zombie - we’re talking about a zombie with a sash and tiara! Carrie is filled with Mommie Dearest rage in addition to her undead desire to kill and eat flesh. This role is small, comparatively, but there is a song and it’s a good ‘un.
ZOMBIES male and female all ages. The more variety we get the better. I will challenge cast members to come up with interesting characters that are within the world of the play, but still fun to see. In other words, what were you doing when you became a zombie? (*non-singing role).

Auditioning for the Musical Theatre
by Silver, Fred; Strouse, Charles
Paper: $14.00
The Teen's Musical Theatre Collection with CD
(NEW) The Odd Couple, female version
Monday, April 13th, and Tuesday, April 14th at 7:00 PM. Neshanic Reformed Church, 715Amwell Road/Route 514, Hillsborough NJ 08844. For further information call 908.369.7469 or email.
The Somerset Valley Players is holding auditions for the female version of The Odd Couple by Neil Simon. Directed by Kate Fishman. Synopsis: Neil Simon's classic comedy with a twist! The neatnik and the slob you’ve come to know and love are now female! So (instead of Felix and Oscar) the fussy Florence and the over-the-top Olive seek to live together without driving each other crazy--along with the usual gregarious gang of now feminine comic suspects who inhabit their zany New York Manhattan world. The show runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00PM and Sundays at 2:00PM May 29th through June 14th.
Seeking: Director Kate Fishman is looking for 6 female and 2 male roles with age 30 to 60. Readings will be from the script.
The Odd Couple(female)
by Simon, Neil
Paper: $8.95.
Friday, April 17, 2009, 9:30 AM - Producer’s monitor begins sign-in. 10 AM – Auditions begin (all dancers M/F). Hilton Theatre, 214 West 43rd Street, New York City.The producer will run all aspects of this call. Equity audition procedures are NOT in effect, and no Equity Monitor will be provided. Please be warmed up and ready to dance when the call begins. Men: Jazz shoes and tap shoes. Women: Jazz shoes and tap shoes (preferably flat tap shoes). Some may be asked to stay and sing after all have danced. Please prepare a traditional musical theatre song. Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together. If unable to attend this call, please send picture and resume to ATTN: Babes in Arms, Binder Casting, 321 West 44th Street Suite 606, New York NY 10036.See separate notices for the Equity auditions for this project (AEA audition procedures / AEA Monitor provided): Equity Principal Dancer Auditions: April 14. Equity Principal Auditions for the non-dancing role of the Sheriff: April 15.
Open auditions are being held for Babes in Arms. Producers: Gerald Goehring and Michael F. Mitri. Special Agreement (salary level pending). Music: Richard Rodgers. Lyrics: Lorenz Hart. Original Book: Rodgers and Hart. New Adaptation: Joe DiPietro. Director/Choreographer: Randy Skinner. Musical Director: Rob Berman. Casting: Binder Casting. Commitment dates: May 13 – 20, 2009 (40-hour week). Project is a staged reading with choreography. Original production opened on Broadway in 1937. Setting: 1937; America is in a deep depression. The town of Seaport, Long Island is a community settled by Vaudevillians and their families. The adults have left town to make one more round on the circuit in an attempt to make a living. By law, the kids over the age of 16 will be sent to work farms to learn a viable trade if they cannot prove that they can support themselves. And what better way to prove this than to put on their own show? Complications arise when the kids face budget problems, racial prejudice and romantic entanglements. The score includes such classic standards as "My Funny Valentine", "The Lady is a Tramp", "With a Song In My Heart" and "Johnny One Note". Casting Director states, "IT IS THE PRODUCTION’S INTENTION TO DEPICT THIS AS REAL YOUNG PEOPLE DURING THE DEPRESSION. Seeking actors to play ages 18 - 22. Everyone must be true triple threats. Great dancers, excelling in tap, jazz and musical theatre styles. Everyone must sing extremely well."
Valentine LaMar: Male. Charming, very attractive and engaging. Aspiring all-around entertainer. Enthusiastic and optimistic. Requires an excellent singer (baritenor). Must move extremely well and have basic tap skills.
Billie Smith: Female. Street-smart, feisty and self-sufficient. Ran away from home to become a star. Requires an excellent singer. Must move extremely well and have basic tap skills. Strong chest mix, belt and head voice.
Baby Rose: Was a one-time Hollywood child star. Now pushing 19, she’s a drinking, smoking, wise-cracking aging Shirley Temple. Still wears the same dress and wig she wore when she was 12. Requires a strong Broadway belt. Must move extremely well, with basic tap skills.
Mickey Blackstone: Must be approximately 5’2". Valentine's younger brother. Spunky and tenacious. Requires an excellent singer; must also be a great dancer and excel in tap.
Dolores Reynolds: The Sheriff's daughter. Very, very friendly with all of the boys. Natural flirt; you know she will "wear the pants" in the family. True comedienne. Requires a major dancer and tapper with a strong belt and chest mix.
Gus: Dolores's boyfriend. The "jealous type", but appealing and lovable. Very athletic. A real comic. Requires a major dancer and tapper, must sing extremely well (baritenor).
Ivor: African American male, 18 – 22. Young boy in love with show business. The best dancer in town. A natural performer. Must sing well.
Darlene: African American female, 18 – 22. Ivor's devoted sister. A real comic. Performer must be a great dancer and sing well.
Dick: 18 – 22. Budding songwriter.
Larry: 18 – 22. Budding lyricist.
Maizie: 18 – 22. Wise-cracking, fast-talking young gal. Real comic actress who sings. Like a young Eve Arden.
Emma: 18 – 22. Sweet and perky. Ingénue.
June: 18 – 22. As springy and cheerful as her name.
Casting Director’s statement: "We encourage performers of all ethnic backgrounds to attend this call."
The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology Series
(NEW) Serial short comedy series
Please send headshot and resume and reel to c/o Tim. Casting to be held April 8,9,10. Please do not send in if you are not available these days.
Open casting call for non-union serial short comedy series set in NYC. Four friends from college find themselves all reunited in the same city with very different jobs but one thing in common – they're all trying to figure "it" out. Comedians and experienced actors preferred. All ethnicities and looks welcome. This is a non-union show, with the pilot being shot before the end of April. Part of a package set for national distribution.
MARK (Early 20’s) - Mark is an Office Intern with a rare and genuine work ethic. Modest and unaware of his own handsomeness, he is the first of his family to graduate from college. He believes in working hard for hard work’s sake. He wears polo shirts tucked into khakis in a way that feels forced and uncomfortable; much like a child dressing up for a formal event. Well-intentioned but slightly naïve, Mark is on a quest to find his place in the professional landscape.
NATALIE (Early 20’s) - Natalie is the youngest member of the middle management sector of her employer. Buoyant, playful, and flirty, she is never on task. No one around her seems to notice, distracted by her enchanting and spirit-raising personality. She dresses up her business attire with brightly colored hi-tops and an on-trend eyeglass collection. Dancing with an alcohol dependency and reluctant to engage in any serious discussion, she struggles with a need to eventually achieve the maturity necessary in her professional environment. WALT (Late 20’s) - Walt is overeducated and underemployed. After spending an extra 3 years studying Philosophy, Walt is hyper-aware of all the Marxist power structures in the workplace, which stifles his professional development significantly. Walt is often adorned in Punk Rock band t-shirts underneath tweed or corduroy blazers. Walt dismisses many of the demands of the working world as unsophisticated and has poverty thrust upon him as a result.
MADELINE (Mid 20’s) - Madeline is a petite space cadet. A recent graduate of a leading Graphic Design program, she takes on a variety of freelance jobs with varying degrees of legitimacy. Soft spoken yet intensely thoughtful, Madeline lives comfortably in her own head as the increasingly real pressures of the working world bear down upon her. She hides under a well-worn parka, sunglasses and headphones. Madeline possesses a magnetism obvious to her close circle of friends but is largely strange and alienating to those unfamiliar with her flighty quirks.
Truth in Comedy: The Manual for Improvisation
by Halpern, Charna; Close; Johnson, Kim Howard
Paper: $17.95
(NEW) The Hidden Secrets, short film
Send Headshot/Resume to:
Clavicordio Producciones is casting for the non-union short film "The Hidden Secrets." Shooting in Manhattan/ Brooklyn for 6 days. Starts June 29. Although there are no paid parts, food will be provided during every day of shooting and a copy of the finalized project. Director: Daniel Bermudez Castro. The story of two brothers and a sister that have been out of contact for a few years. Once they meet up again, old resentments related to their father's death reach the surface, bringing about the truth and revelation of old family secrets, showing that everyone has something to hide about themselves. It is a story about guilt and forgiveness.
Seeking:Body language/communication background will be required.
Laura: mid-late twenties. Attractive and handsome (preferably brunette but not a must).She’s a forgiving and charming person who loves her family, wanting to stay out of trouble and controversy. Works in a nocturne radio program carrying out some drug issues.
Brian: In his early thirties. He is nervous an anxious. A neurotic with some hypochondriac issues. Emotional unbalance. Brian couldn’t handle his father’s death, and has therefore sought refuge in Buddhism. Frustrated writer with dark sense of humor. He has hard feelings about his brother since he never attempted to attend their father’s funeral.
Steven: mid-late thirties. Extravagant and quirky. He wants to be someone in this life so pretends to be an independent movie producer in front of his family. He could seem careless and frivolous but instead he is warm and affectionate. He knows he has made some mistakes in the past but wants to make it up to his brothers.