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Fair Lady - Open Call
Tuesday, September 15, 2009. 10 AM – Male singers who move well. 2 PM – Female
singers who move well. Sign-up begins 1 hour before each call’s start-time.
Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 Eighth Avenue, New York City. The producer will run
all aspects of this call. Equity audition procedures will NOT be in effect, and
no Equity Monitor will be provided.Please prepare 16 bars of a song in the style
of the show. Singing from the show is welcome. Bring sheet music; an accompanist
will be provided. Some may be asked to stay and dance after all have sung. Bring
dance clothes and character shoes (women: character heels). Please
bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
The Arts Center of Coastal Carolina is holding open auditions for My Fair Lady. SPT (approval/salary level pending; 2008-09 minimum weekly salary: $396). Music: Frederick Loewe. Book/Lyrics: Alan Jay Lerner. Director/Choreographer: Casey Colgan. Musical Director: Bradley Vieth. General Manager: Richard Feldman. Callbacks: Friday, September 18. 1st rehearsal November 10, 2009. Runs December 2 – 27.
Ensemble (M/F): Various ages and types. Must be strong actors and
legit singers who move or dance well. Play multiple characters and possibly
cover leads. Three Buskers require tumbling skills. Performers attending this
call may also be considered for the following principal roles:
Henry Higgins: British man, 35 - 55. Upper-class professional bachelor, world famous phonetics expert, teacher and author of "Higgins’s Universal Alphabet".
Mrs. Higgins: British woman, 50 – 65. Upper-class. Stoic yet motherly.
Mrs. Pearce: Woman, 45 – 60. Head housemaid to Henry Higgins – and really runs the household. Excellent legit soprano. Theatre’s statement: performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
Black Girl
Please send headshots and resumes to:
legrosculturalarts@hotmail.com or mail to Legros Cultural Arts, P.O. Box 333 New York, New York 10116-0333
Legros Cultural Arts is seeking non-Equity African American actors for Black Girl. Writer: J.E. Franklin. Production will go up in September 2009. Paid Performances. Synopsis of Play Setting 1969): Trapped in a life which can lead nowhere, Billie Jean has dropped out of school and secretly taken a job as a dancer in a local bar, her ultimate goal being to become a ballet dancer. But her ambitions bring her into conflict with her envious sisters, both of whom have been locked into dreary marriages too early, and her mother, who has given up on her own children and now lavishes her care and affection on her “ foster daughters” industrious girls to whom she has transferred her own frustrated hopes. Billie Jean must fight a multiplicity of prejudices, family, sex, color, class and economic to win an education and forge her own identity. But with her grandmother’s strength and trust to embolden her, Billie Jean breaks free, establishing at last a tenuous but hopeful relationship with her mother an taking the first sure steps toward a life which will, at least, be of her own making.
Billie Jean: 17 years old, 5’ 7”, thin, tom boyish, southern accent, trained
dancer. She is not shy, but withdrawn from it all, her innocence is overshadowed by the harshness that surrounds her.
Norma: 21 years old, 5’ 11”, southern accent. She is loud and boisterous, yet easily offended. Quick tempered.
Ruth Ann: 20 years old, 5’ 6”, 4 months pregnant, southern accent.
Mama Rosie: 38 years old, 5’ 3”, quick tempered, southern accent. She is loud and obnoxious and has an opinion on everyone around her, but she can’t for the life of herself see her own faults.
Mu’ Dear: 55 years old, 5’ 1”, authoritative and intolerant of nonsense.
Mr. Herbert: 65 years old, 5’ 1”, meek, southern accent. He is soft spoken with a docile and quiet demeanor. Wise he is not, but he stands up for what he believes is right.
Earl: 41 years old, 6’ 3”, southern accent, muscular, neat and well groomed. He is dismissive and arrogant.
Netta: 21 years old, southern accent. Her patience and keen intelligence are her best attributes.
Halloween Show - Open Call
Wednesday August 26th, 3PM at 45th Street & Broadway (NE corner). Please bring
headshot/resume and wear full costume/makeup to open call. Email questions to
The Box Presents is holding an open call on August 26 for zombies, ghouls, gremlins, vampires, werewolves, the undead and all creatures of the night for New York’s premier Halloween experience, Purgatorio. Producers: PURGATORIO wants you! S. Hammerstein, R. Kimmel, R. Weiner. Performances run October 15-31 in Times Square and promotional appearances in Sept-Oct. Paid.
Harvey Cole -
Audition Dates: TBD. Please submit headshots and resumes to:badass-prod@mail.com no later than Sept. 1. Non-union shooting starts September, mostly week ends + nights. Shooting in the Lower East Side, New York. Copy, Credits, Meals. Shooting on ProHD JVC GY-HD250U w/16:1 FUJINON LENS.
Badass Productions of Long Island University is holding non-union auditions for “Harvey Cole,” a film for its graduate student thesis. Exec. Producer: Cherisse Challenger. Co-Exec. Producer: Frank Zagottis. Writer: Nicolas Canton and Nina S. Matter. Faculty Advisor: Larry L. Banks (Juice, Fight the Power etc.). Director: Nicolas Canton. Director’s note: We're looking for actors who want to get involved and participate in the building of the film, to come up with a truthful and personal composition. We hope we will share ideas and have a constructive relationship. We are looking to create an encouraging and supportive environment that will allow fruitful improvisation to take place (Cassavetes inspired filmmakers!)
Harvey - a Caucasian male in his early 40s is our main character. He is
a strong-willed and independent person, a self made man proud of his
achievements. Even though he handles his life quite well, he has a well-known
fondness for drinks and a few gambles. He’s a man of few words, concise and
straight to the point. He never founded a family since he’s always been way too
interested in women to only choose one.
Louie - is an undercover pawnbroker, loaning money at frightening rates. He's a fat Persian guy with an open shirt, gold chain and watches. Often sweating. (has a substantial conversation with the lead while driving a car, so driving is a must!)
Ralph - is a little crook living in the neighborhood, spending most of his time partying and drinking in clubs. He’s known for dealing drugs and being a second-rank, wannabe pimp. (Ralph has a heated conversation with the lead that goes a bit physical, being comfortable with this a must).
John - is a regular at the Blue and knows everyone there. When he arrives in front of the club, he meets John, an old friend who’s been working there for more than 20 years. He used to bartend and is now part of the management. He’s a chain smoker, laconic and old-fashioned guy.