The Drama Book Shop Stage Casting is Sponsored by

(NEW) Magdalena’s Crossing
Tues. June 8th / Thurs. June 10th. Non-AEA actors only. Non-paying. Please email your headshot and resume for consideration to: For more information and/or updates, please go to and click on the homepage link MAGDELENA’S CROSSING.
By Carolyn Nur Wistrand. Sponsored by the Negro Ensemble Company. Part of the Midtown International Theatre Festival - Short Subjects. Playwright: Carolyn Nur Wistrand. Director: Elena Araoz. Producer: Nichole Donje'. Asst. Producer: S. Brian Jones. This is a 60 minute play. Rehearsals begin June 21st (5 evenings a week) Three performances between July 12 and August 1 at the WorkShop Theatre in Midtown.
Magdalena: A young illegal Mexican woman from the colonias in Juárez, now living in El Paso. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Early-20s to Mid-20s.
Dalia: A large, sensuous woman whose beauty has faded. She has lived in El Paso, Texas for thirty years. Se has a strong wit and knows how to work the system. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. 50s POSSIBLY ALSO PLAYS THE ROLE OF Concepción.
Concepción: A poor Mexican widow from Juárez. Mother of Magdalena. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. 40s. POSSIBLY ALSO PLAYS THE ROLE OF Dalia.
Jamal: An African-American soldier from Detroit, stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso. The physique of a soldier. English only. Mid-Late-20s.
Federico: A matador from Mexico City training in Juárez. Folklórico experience preferred. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Mid-20s.
Carlota: A wealthy Mexican widow from Mexico City. Mother of Federico. Strict. Harsh. Pure Spanish blood. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Late 40s-50s POSSIBLY ALSO PLAYS THE ROLE OF Rosita.
Rosita: A woman from Juárez. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Folklórico experience preferred. Early-Mid- 20s POSSIBLY ALSO PLAYS THE ROLE OF Carlota.
Lupe: A woman from Juárez. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Folklórico experience preferred. Early-Mid-20s.
Conchita: A woman from Juárez. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Folklórico experience preferred. Early-Mid-20s ALSO PLAYS THE ROLE OF MALINCHE: A Tarahumara Indian from the mountains in Chichuahua. Mother to an Infant. Disheveled and dirty. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Mid-20s to Mid-30s.
Pepalita: A woman from Juárez. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Folklórico experience preferred. Early-Mid-20s ALSO PLAYS THE ROLE OF La Virgin: La Virgin de Guadalupe, Mother of Mexico. Bilingual English/Mexican Spanish preferred. Mid-20s.
Immigration Man: The voice of immigration in El Paso. White male. Rough and imposing. English only. Texan dialect preferred. 30s-40s.
Guitar Player: Mexican folk guitar player to play live on stage. Any age.
(NEW) Banshee of Bainbridge, FringeNYC, by appt.
Auditions by appointment only. They will be held June 7th - 9th for Mij, June 14th - 18th for the rest of cast. Must be available for rehearsal last three weeks of July into August and available for performances last two weeks in August. Please mail headshot and resume to: 636 Carlton Avenue., Apt. 2R, Brooklyn, NY 11238 or email at
Auditions by appointment are being held for Banshee of Bainbridge by Jim Tierney, directed by Dianna Martin. World premiere at the Fringe New York for the last two weeks of August 2010. Seeking both union and non-union. No pay. Duration: July 15 - Aug. 29.
Mij Sullivan - late twenties to early thirties. Irish-American Bronx native type. Lead role.
Rose - late teens to early twenties. Puerto Rican/Latino Bronx native type. Needs to have a fire under her.
Mr. Shybey/Mo - late forties to early fifties. Bronx native type. Must be able to create two completely different characters within same performance.
Soul - late thirties to early forties Bronx, chain smoking type. Has a napoleon complex.
Sal - late forties to early fifties African American. Kimbo slice demeanor. Rough.
Father Bischoff - sixties to seventies Irish priest. Actual Irish preferred, but open to those with impeccable dialect.
Carlos - Early to mid twenties Bronx Puerto Rican/Latino type. Bad ass. Physically in shape and bullying type.
Ma - late fifties to early sixties. Irish and frail. Actual Irish preferred, but open to those with impeccable dialect.
Jimmy - late fifties to early sixties. Overweight Irish-American Bronx native. Works for MTA for over thirty years. Must be able to do extensive physicality work to create character.