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Saturday, June 6, 2009, 5 PM - 8 PM (by last name - A-G: 5 - 6 PM; H-P: 6 - 7 PM; Q-Z: 7 - 8 PM) and June 7, 2009, 5 PM - 7 PM (A-K: 5 - 6 PM; L-Z: 6 - 7 PM). Sign-up sheets will be posted half an hour prior to start of auditions for each hour. Sides provided. Prepared selections from classical dramas are acceptable. If unable to attend, submissions may be sent by June 8 to: American Thymele Theatre, 1202 Lexington Avenue, 138, New York, NY 10028, attn: Rhesus. American Thymele Theatre is holding open auditions (union/non) for its summer production Rhesus by Euripedes. 1st Rehearsal: June 15, 2009. Production will be in July in NYC. Pay provided.
Seeking: (All actors must be classically trained. Experienced in classical repertory. Strong stage speech required for all roles. Actors with beards and Anatolian or Mediterranean features will also be considered.)
Hector: 40’s, leader of the Trojan army, single-minded. Aeneas: 30’s-40’s, Trojan chief, paternalistic. Dolon: 40’s, Trojan warrior, swift-footed; not a good-looking man. Rhesus: 20’s, short, slim. Thracian king. Odysseus: 40’s, Greek leader, crafty, cunning. Diomedes: Stalwart Greek leader. Athena: 40’s-60’s, goddess of wisdom, tragedienne type. Paris (Alexander): 30’s, Trojan, brother of Hector. Charioteer: 30’s-40’s, Rhesus’s driver. Muse (Terpsichore): a mountain muse, daughter of Zeus, divine figure, mother of Rhesus, a physically strong tragedienne type. Messenger: 40’s-60’s, a shepherd, character type. Sentinels/Guards/Warriors: 20’s. Trojans, excellent physical shape, muscular, no taller than 5’11. (NEW) Spider-Man: Turn Off the DarkMonday, June 1, 2009. 10 AM - 4 PM. Sign-in begins at 9:30. Do not arrive beforehand. The Ailey Studios, 405 West 55th Street, New York City. The producer will run all aspects of this call. Equity audition procedures are NOT in effect, and no Equity Monitor will be provided. Please bring comfortable clothing, sneakers and kneepads to move in. Please also bring 16 bars of a pop or rock song, with sheet music in the appropriate key. Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together. Open auditions are being held for female dancers for Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. Broadway/Production Contract. Currently $1,558/week minimum. Producers: Hello Entertainment/David Garfinkle, Martin McCallum, Marvel Entertainment David Maisel, Sony Pictures Entertainment. Music/Lyrics: Bono and The Edge of U2. Book: Julie Taymor and Glen Berger. Director: Julie Taymor. Choreographer: Daniel Ezralow. Musical Supervisor: Teese Gohl. Music Director: Kimberly Grigsby. General Manager: Alan Wasser Associates. Casting: Telsey + Company. Seeking: Female Dancers: Women, 20s - 30s, all ethnicities. Seeking strong, technically trained dancers who have a strong contemporary and modern background. Looking for all types, with a quirky sense of movement and style. Knowledge of gymnastics, aerial flying, acro and stunts a plus. Looking for dancers who MUST sing very well. Ensemble. (NEW) The Deer Park (one more role)
Casting for a staged reading of Norman Mailer’s The Deer Park @ The Nuyorican Poets CafĂ© (236 E. 3rd St.). This a labor of love so there is no pay but this will be the last production with Mailer’s personal imprint so you could say it has some historic import. We are using this staged reading to get producers to look at the play for a full production as a tribute to Norman’s legacy. The day I’ve picked is an off-night so that people could more easily fit it into their schedule and the commitment on the part of the actors is fairly minimal. The performances will be Monday June 8 @ 5PM and June 14 @ 5PM and June 15 @ 7PM. Because of time pressures, it would be best if actors contact me by email at stephanmorrow@juno.com. Still Seeking: Charles Francis Eitel - (60’s) based on Elia Kazan. He has a fire in the belly and considerable charm, but since he has vestiges of integrity - at least for a Hollywood film director - he is pained deeply by what he sees as the wasting of his talent. In short, he is drowning in self-disgust. A sophisticated if self-educated man. Prototype would be George C. Scott in Dr.Strangelove, though this is not a parody. Or Jose Ferrer in Cyrano. (Larry Pine did it for me last time). (NEW) Stand Alone, Short Film
For consideration, send headshots and resumes to: stand.alone.casting@gmail.com. Please include name of character in subject line of email. Auditions will be held if necessary. Headshot/resume submissions are being considered for the non-union short film “Stand Alone.” Shooting to begin June 2009, NYC, for three weeks. We are looking for highly motivated performers. Seeking:
Mira: Female. 18-24. Caucasian. Ideal Height: 5-2" – 5-5" FiancĂ© of DA. American accent is fine, but British or European accent preferred. Billy (Youth version): Male. 11-14. African American. Ideal Height: 4-0" – 5-0" Should know how to dance (or a bit). James: Male. 18-24. Hispanic. Ideal Height: 5-6" – 5-10" Is a part of dancing group. Mira’s father: Male. 41-50. Caucasian. Male Kid #1, Male Kid #2, Male Kid#3: Ideal Height for Male Kid#1: 4-6" – 5-0" Ideal Height for Male Kid#2: 4-6" – 5-0" Ideal Height for Male Kid#3: 5-0" – 5-4" Friends of Billy. 15-17. African American. Neurologist: Male. 41-50. Female Kid #1: Female. 15-17. Indian. Ideal Height: 5-0" – 5-4". Insurance Agent: Male. 25-30. Caucasian.