The Drama Book Shop Stage Casting is Sponsored by

(NEW) Little Miss Gingerbread - Non-Union Open Auditions
Tues. Sept. 15th at 7:30pm & Wed. Sept. 16th at 7:30pm. Call Backs Sept. 17 by Appointment only. Location: Studio Players, 14 Alvin Place, Montclair, NJ 07043. No prepared monologue is necessary, sides will be provided.
Studio Players in Montclair, NJ is holding Open Auditions for
Directed by Amy Fox. Stage Manager - Samantha Silver. Performances: December 5-13, 2009. In this fractured fairy tale Aesop’s fable of the ant and the grasshopper, Hansel and Gretel, and a Food Network cook-off combine with other famous literary characters to bring a hilarious tale to the stage! The lazy citizens of Grasshopperville believe the plenty in Antville comes from their famous Gingerbread Statue, so they hire a witch to bake them one of their own. Meanwhile, a young girl named Cinnamon has headed into the forest on a quest….with a large helping of fun and scoop of silliness, this fun and funny tale will have children and adults laughing. Written by Charlie Lovett. Directed by Amy Fox. Stage Manager Samantha Silver.
Seeking (includes adults and children’s roles):
Narrator: (M/F, any age) Typical narrator, bold voiced (think Don LaFontaine).
Queen Hilda: (F, 25+) Leader of Antberg, strong and self assured. Cinnamon: (F, 18-12) A sweet, bright, and enterprising child, the heroine of the story.
Dunston: (M, 12-18) A bully, Not. Mr/Mrs Dusseldorfer: (M/F, 30-45) A parent of Hansel & Gretel – accent a plus.
Mayor Cricket: (M/F, 25+) The mayor of Grasshopperville, a lazy, typical politician.
Cuthbert: (M, 25+) Queen Hilda’s husband, a bit odd or scatterbrained, extremely good looking.
Maldavia: (F, 12-16) Dunston’s toady, has no original thoughts, another bully.
Katydid: (F, 18-25) A bright and enterprising young lady, the only intelligent member of Grasshopperville society.
Fortuna: (F, 20+) Gypsy-like fortune teller, a bit "kooky". Old Man/Woman Sassafras: (M/F, 40+) On a mission to save his/her "lost" child.
(NEW) The Pins and Needles Of The Heart - Open Auditions
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 (Cello, Carlito, Eric). Wednesday, August 5, 2009 (Helena, Ms. Skeleton). 4 PM - 7 PM both days. FELT Theater, 107 Suffolk Street, Suite 311, New York City (Between Delancey and Rivington). No appointment necessary. The producer will run all aspects of this call. Equity audition procedures will NOT be in effect, and no Equity Monitor will be provided. Actors will read from sides, which are available at Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
The FELT Theater is holding open auditions for their staged reading of
The Pins and Needles of the Heart. Staged Reading Guidelines (approval pending). Local transportation paid. Author/Director: Arcadio Ruiz-Castellano. Reading: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 7 PM at El Milagro Theater, New York City. Producer plans a full production in May 2010.
Drama. Recounts Cello Roldan’s mental battle with the guilt he feels for the accidental death of his brother. Cello is an inconsistently moral individual, aloof, ghostly. He does not want to get pulled into real relationships, including a real relationship to the memory of his brother. This relates to the question the play intends to present: Do we exist if we refuse to relate to anyone?
Cello: Italian, French or white Hispanic man. Age 35 in Act I, age 50 in Act II. Sexy, confident, unaware of his looks and the way clothes fit his lean body. His speech is dry and measured, despite the fever of the thoughts behind it. LEAD.
Carlito: Italian, French or white Hispanic man, 30s. No accent. Cello's brother. Motorcycle mechanic. Unapologetic about his lack of intellectual abilities. Muscular, with a face that strikes fear – but in reality, he is a calf looking for milk. LEAD.
Helena: Italian, French or white Hispanic woman, 35. No accent. College professor. Her gaze is soft and immobilizing. Her presence, strong and unpretentious, is a fusion of femininity and years of teaching. Her beauty lights up, unexpectedly, like a torch.
Eric: Italian, French or white Hispanic man, 28. No accent. Helena and Carlito’s son. Computer engineer. His look is a serious study in shabbiness. Uses clothes to defuse his strong body. The sum of his movements is ungainly and gives the impression of strength held under control. Feels a longing and incoherent desire to know about his father. LEAD.
Ms. Skelton: Caucasian woman, 40s. Personal shopper. Her face has an expression of bitterness that translates into a frozen smile. Has a distorted sense of reality. At times, a sparkle of life escapes trough her reading glasses.