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Thursday, July 9, 2009. 12 Noon – 4 PM. New World Stages, 343 West 49th Street, New York City (Enter through the stage door between 8th & 9th Ave.) For an appointment, please call PSM Scott Dela Cruz at (212) 302-4848 or e-mail sdelacruz@martianentertainment.com. The producer will run all aspects of this call. Equity Principal Audition procedures are not in effect, and no Equity Monitor will be provided. Please prepare a brief contemporary musical theatre selection. Bring sheet music in your key. Pianist will be provided. NOTE: There will be no nudity at this audition. Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together. Open Auditions by appointment for Naked Boys Singing. Martian Entertainment. Special Agreement ref. Off-Broadway. Producers: Carl White / Tom Smedes / Hugh Hayes / Jamie Cesa. Musical Director: Jeffrey Biering. Dance Captain: Craig Lowry Production Stage Manager: Scott Dela Cruz. Currently running at New World Stages (formerly Dodger Stages). Seeking: talented men of ALL ETHNICITIES for current and future replacements for this long-running Off-Broadway production. Swings needed immediately. Note: Nudity will be required at callbacks, on July 10th (times TBA). An Equity Stage Manager will be present. (NEW) The House of Blue Leaves - Open Call
Monday, August 3, 2009 and Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 7 PM — 9 PM. Sign up begins 6:30 each day. The Gallery Players,199 14th Street, Brooklyn, NY. Equity audition procedures are NOT in effect. No Equity monitor provided. Producer runs all aspects of the audition. However, Equity Members receive priority. Prepare a contemporary comedic monologue, 2 minutes or less. Please have a contrasting monologue prepared if requested. Actors auditioning for Artie may be asked to sing a brief song a cappella. Bring picture and resume, stapled together. The Gallery Players, Brooklyn, NY, is holding open call auditions for The House of Blue Leaves. Equity Showcase. Producer: Neal J. Freeman/The Gallery Players. Writer: John Guare. Director: Dev Bondarin. 1st rehearsal: August 15, 2009 (evenings and weekends). Runs: September 12 – 27 (Thursday-Sunday). All auditions, rehearsals, and performances at The Gallery Players, Brooklyn. Seeking:
Artie Shaughnessy: Male, late 30s - 40s. An “everyman”. A zookeeper with big dreams. Ambivalent in his current life, he is an aspiring songwriter and longs to make it big. Needs to carry a tune. Ability to play piano a plus. Bananas Shaughnessy: Female, late 30s - 40s. Artie’s wife. Suffers from a form of psychosis. Loves her family and longs for the past. Often seems lucid.
Bunny Flingus: Female, 30s - 40s. Arties’s girlfriend. Energetic, excitable, and a bit manic. Has big dreams.
Ronnie Shaughnessy: Male, 18 - 19. The son of Artie and Bananas. Determined. An AWOL soldier who wants to blow up the Pope.
Billy Einhorn: Male, 40s. Successful film producer. Likes to schmooze.
Corinna Stroller: Female, 20s - 30s. Movie starlet. Vapid but with a good heart.
Head Nun: Female, 30s-50s. The leader of a group of three nuns who travel to Queens together. Head strong.
Second Nun: Female, 20s-30s. Follows the leader. A bit of a ditz.
Little Nun: Female, 20s. Young and starry eyed. Unsure if the convent is the life for her.
The White Man: Male, 20s - 50s. An official from an asylum. Gets the job done. (Walk on role).
The MP: Male, 30s-50s. A policeman sent to retrieve AWOL soldiers. Determined. (Walk on role). All ethnicities are encouraged to audition.
The Gallery Players, 199 14th St. Brooklyn between 4th and 5th Aves. Take the R to 9th St. or the F to 4th Ave. in Brooklyn. The “R” can be accessed at the Pacific/Atlantic station in Brooklyn which is served by the 2,3,4,5,N,B,D and Q trains from Manhattan. Equity/Non-Equity. No Pay. (AEA members receive travel stipend) www.galleryplayers.com.