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Auditions will be held as soon as possible, by appointment only. Please send cover letter, headshot & resume to Aliza Shane at lookingglass.aliza@gmail.com. Seeking non-union actors who are good at comedy and improvisation as the process will be extremely collaborative. The play will be classical mixed with modern - so actors should be skilled at both genres. Musical or dancing ability, ability to play a musical instrument is a plus. All roles can be played by actors of any ethnicity. The Looking Glass Theatre of New York City is casting for Are You There, Zeus? It’s Me, Electra, a new tragicomedy based on the Greek tragedy Electra, written & directed by Aliza Shane. Evening and weekend rehearsals begin early September. Performs October 28-November 22, Thursday-Sunday, evenings only. A New Tragicomedy Based on Sophocles’s Electra. Electra is angry, ruthless, and hell- bent on revenge. Too bad she’s only 16… All characters will be played by adults. SEEKING: ONE OLDER WOMAN AND THREE YOUNG MEN FOR THE FOLLOWING --
ORESTES: male, Electra’s long lost brother who has returned to help her with her plan, able to play a teenager; PYLADES: Male or Female, Orestes’ friend who returns with him to help carry out the plan, able to play a teenager; CLYTEMNESTRA: female, Electra’s mother, an evil predator, who murdered her first husband and moved on to a much younger man, a 40’s-50’s cougar; AEGISTHUS: male, Clytemnestra’s dumb, vapid and good looking new boy toy, a male bimbo, early 20’s. (NEW) Duet for Solo Voice - Non-Union
Please email photo and resume (with one full length shot, optional) ASAP to duetforsolovoice@gmail.com or mail photo and resume to Attn: Duet Casting, c/o Stanley Sherman, 203 West 14th St, Studio 5F, New York, NY 10011. Off-off Broadway, no pay but a lot of fun! More info on the play: www.duetforsolovoice.com. Announcing non-union auditions for immediate casting of a male-female couple for Duet for Solo Voice, a play by David Scott Milton and directed by Stanley Allan Sherman. Performances: Theatre for the New City, September 24 to October 11, 2009. Th-Sat at 8:00 pm, Sun at 3:00 pm, runs one hour. Seeking: 1 Male and 1 Female, to supply offstage voices and play a hooker and her customer who fall through the ceiling when the desk clerk pulls on a pipe. It's a sight gag, no stunt work required. Favor male who approximately resembles the actor playing the night clerk: Caucasian, brown hair, tall, slender to medium build, age unimportant. Insults the desk clerk. Doubles for the KGB agent who is pursuing him