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Monday, July 26, 2010 and Tuesday, July 27, 2010. 7 PM – 8:30 PM each day. Gallery Players, 199 14th Street (between 4th and 5th Aves), Brooklyn (Park Slope), NY. No appointment/submission necessary. First come first serve, however AEA receive priority. Equity audition procedures are NOT in effect. No Equity monitor provided. Producer runs all aspects of the audition. Please prepare a contemporary comedic monologue. Selections from Orton and similar work with British accents encouraged. Bring picture and resume, stapled together. The Gallery Players will be holding an open call in Brooklyn for What the Butler Saw. Brooklyn, NY. Equity Showcase. Producer: Neal J. Freeman/The Gallery Players. By Joe Orton. Director: Zac Hoogendyk. 1st rehearsal: 8/14/10 for 4 weeks (evenings & weekends). Run: 9/11–9/26, 12 perfs Thur – Sun. Seeking:
Dr. Prentice: Male, late 30s-50s. Head of a Mental Health Clinic who tries to seduce his prospective secretary. Mrs. Prentice: Female, late 30s-50s. The doctor’s wife, a closet nymphomaniac. Geraldine Barclay: Female, early 20s. A somewhat naive young woman applying for the position of secretary at Dr. Prentice’s clinic. Nicholas Beckett: Male, early 20s. A pageboy at the Station Hotel who is blackmailing Mrs. Prentice. Dr. Rance: Male, 40s-60s. A Government inspector visiting Dr. Prentice’s clinic. Sergeant Match: Male, 30s-50s. A policeman. Directions: Take the R to 9th St. or the F to 4th Ave. in Brooklyn. The “R” can be accessed at the Atlantic/Pacific station in Brooklyn which is served by the 2,3,4,5,N,B,D and Q trains from Manhattan. All rehearsals and performances take place at The Gallery Players. For more information about The Gallery Players please visit: www.galleryplayers.com. (NEW) Theater of the Mother of God, Photo/Resume Request
Please email headshots and resumes to Vincent Ronci Gaeta at taskxb@aol.com. Casting for Theater of the Mother of God, Directed by V. Ronci Gaeta, former protege of Stella Adler, presently directing in Milan and Rome, Italy, for Our Lady of Lourdes, Malverne, L.I. Single performance, rehearsals 3 hours a week, to start immediately for mid September. No salary. Will pay transportation to and from rehearsals. Seeking: Mature actor (35-50) wanted for the role of the Mary, Mother of God. Challenging Monologue.