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The Rockaway Theatre Company will be holding auditions for its Summer production of Irving Berlin's classic, Annie Get Your Gun.
Director: John Gilleece
Musical director: Jeff Arzberger
Annie Oakley –18-33 unwashed backwoods woman. Talented markswoman, (must be comfortable with a rifle) Adorable, exuberant personality with excellent comic ability and timing. Alto -Mezzo G-High F (Needs to belt.)
Buffalo Bill Cody – handsome middle-aged soldier/Indian scout turned showman, runs the "Wild West Show". Tenor or High Baritone Low B – High F.
Frank Butler – 30-40-ish star sharpshooter, a "swollen-headed stiff" convinced he is, and will always be, Number One. Charming, handsome and comically arrogant. Baritone Low A-High F.
Charlie Davenport -middle-aged manager of the Wild West Show. PR agent who keeps peace between characters. Baritone
Dolly Tate 30-40ish- Frank Butler's "lovely" assistant, an over-the-top, bigoted, mean-spirited aging actress. Must have excellent comic ability. Alto-Mezzo
Tommy Keeler – 18-20ish part Native American knife thrower. In love with Winnie. Tenor Low B flat – High F Two duets with Winnie.
Winnie Tate – 16-20 Dolly's little sister. Loves Tommy and assists in knife-throwing act. Mezzo Soprano or Soprano. Low B flat – High F, Two duets with Tommy.
Foster Wilson -50's-60's The hotel proprietor in Ohio who "discovers" Annie Oakley and sets her up in a shooting match with Frank Butler. Bass
Chief Sitting Bull -40s-50s Adopted Annie. Leader of the Sioux nation. Man of few words with keen insight into human nature.
Pawnee Bill – 50s-60s owner of the Far East Show; Buffalo Bill's former partner and current rival. Little Jake -Annie's 6-to-12-year-old brother. Needs comic acting ability and good voice. Soprano or Alto. Low B flat-High D.
Mary, Jessie, Nellie -Annie's 10-to-15-year-old sisters All need good singing voices and comic acting ability. Sopranos/Altos. Low B flat-High D. [Ages are approximations]
Male and Female Ensembles- (All ages) Cowboys, Indians, Roustabouts, Cowgirls, Royals of Europe, New York Socialites. Vocal and dance abilities. Special talents: rope twirlers, guitar pickers, gymnasts, tumblers, whistlers, etc. This is a big show with a big ensemble. All voice types needed.
Audition Dates and Times:
Thursday-April 14, 7:30PM-9:30 PM
in Bldg T149, Fort Tilden, Breezy Pt,Qns, NY
Saturday-April 16, 11AM-2PM
at the Post Theater, Bldg T4, Fort Tilden, Gateway National Recreation Area, Breezy Pt. Queens, NY.
Performance Dates: July 8,9,15,16,22, and 23 @ 8PM
July 10, 17 and 14 @2PM
These are the only audition dates for this production. There will be no individual appointments or alternate audition dates.
Singers are expected to prepare a song from this show. If you cannot prepare a number from Annie Get Your Gun (1999 revised version) you must bring your own sheet music to the audition. Sides will be provided for all roles. Please bring headshots and resumes if available.
The 16 Bar Theatre Audition Series
(NEW) Radio City Xmas Spectacular. General Auditions
Don’t miss the opportunity to perform in the #1 show in America and America’s favorite holiday tradition:
The Radio City Christmas Spectacular!Seeking: Rockettes, Male & Female Dancers, Dancers, Vocalists, Singers who Dance Well, Little People Performers, Girls
Madison Square Garden Entertainment is looking for a racially diverse cast of hundreds of Rockettes, Male and Female Dancers, Male and Female Vocalists, Singers who dance well, Little People Performers, and Girls to perform in the 2011 production of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall in New York and in various cities outside New York.
If you are at least 18 years of age (or a child between 7 -14 years) and you want to audition for the chance to join our prestigious team of talented performers and earn an excellent salary and benefits, visit our website or call the Radio City Audition Hotline for audition times, locations, and requirements.
Auditions will be held in:
New York City
May 3rd -13th, 2011.
All details at: www.radiocityauditions.com
Or call (212)485-7399
(The Radio City Audition Hotline)
AGVA Contract. Madison Square Garden, L.P. and is an equal opportunity employer.